jills journals
jills journals outloud
How Do You Define Success in Our World Today?

How Do You Define Success in Our World Today?

and our past and into our future?

We hear the word success tossed around like we all know what it me means, but it is different across time and culture.

Today I wanted to take a moment and build on Sunday’s video and idea as so many of our former measures are becoming out of reach for us and the younger generations.

Hope is powerful in crisis to keep us going, but it is also vital for the day in and out of difficulty, monotony, and grown up stuff like working, parenting, etc.

Here below are the two movies I referenced, both POWERFUL stories of character and courage no one ever knew before social media.

Also, SUCH a good story and message that is REAL!

And the real man and story:

Just a reminder that it is who we are when no one is watching that is the best measure of success:)

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jills journals
jills journals outloud
Diving deep into the journey of heal, empower, and become while asking hard questions along the way!