jills journals
jills journals outloud
I Was Wrong About This & We All Have a Serious Problem with Who is in Power. . .

I Was Wrong About This & We All Have a Serious Problem with Who is in Power. . .

down a rabbit hole and here's where I landed!

Welcome if you are new and came to listen after the video on Youtube. I made the podcast first and this is the second half, first is below:

I also talked about quite a few videos, so they are listed below also - I get it, it’s a LOT to take in and no, most of us can’t watch and listen to it all, BUT . . .

I also can’t stress this enough - it is SOOO much better to think and process all these ideas out before you are in the fire surrounded, captured in an enemy camp, or facing leaving your home with only what you can carry.

I don’t say that to be fearful, but rather to empower you with your best options that have been well thought out.

Most of what is scary is far away, but for some - it is in their literal front yard. This is all getting very, very real - and as I spoke to recently, it’s time to get back into the mindset of now.

Ok, this is a deep dive into a lot of ideas with the very real issue of, what happens when it is your home in your city and your city council looks at you blankly. . .

Here’s the article about Sprinfield, OH:

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jills journals
jills journals outloud
Diving deep into the journey of heal, empower, and become while asking hard questions along the way!