jills journals
jills journals outloud
Women, Peace, & Power of the Feminine

Women, Peace, & Power of the Feminine

and why this is the 3 keys to shifting our story as women

One of the lines in this song is about women moving into their wisdom and leaving behind the system.

And if you watch this video, what shift do you feel? For me I immediately drop out of my head and into my heart feeling, not thinking.

What this video is of, is another song where women from both sides of the confict between Isreal and Palestinians gathered together because neither ‘side’ wants their children to die.

And, music nor videos change anything, but we do when we change within ourselves and our own energy field. And, if you don’t FEEL that in this, than this isn’t your ‘thing/work/purpose’ in this life. Nor to judge those of us who FEEL it deeply and powerfully.

And there are several more, but if you are interested in her story which is also interesting:

I hope you watched at least one of these and connected to it.

It has never been more important than NOW to find the power of our peace. Literally the whole world depends on it.

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jills journals
jills journals outloud
Diving deep into the journey of heal, empower, and become while asking hard questions along the way!