You are definitely on a roll...despite that limitations abound.

My niece was married to, at the very least, a dark narcissist...not sure how to classify. I just know that when she shared having a life/death moment and he put a loaded gun under her pillow, it was time for this uncle to do some research. Eventually the entire family’s eyes were open and he had to move on to find it’s new energy source. (all ready in the wings...of course) I learned much from the experience, but I also saw many similar traits in myself...which was very unnerving. I am glad you are discussing the gray scale of the psyco/socio paths. The rheostat concept feels much better than a box with a label on it. I wonder if there is a way to predetermine a trigger-moment reaction. Probably not…. A Nazi guard overseeing the unthinkable may have just been an average Joe before the trigger moment.

Letting the reality sink in that we are being ruled by heartless power hungry low vibrational humans. Now their ‘stupid’ decisions make much more sense. Why settle for a puppy when you can feast on the energy of millions…hidden behind the curtain of saving us from _____. Scary and makes me angry. Good stuff Jill.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Liked by jill elizabeth

Thank you Jill, you are always top notch, but this time you even outdid yourself! But did you mean to refer to the series called "Killing Eve"? I think that's the one you meant. All About Eve was a 1950 film starring Bette Davis about an aging Broadway star, while Killing Eve is exactly what you described. Killing Eve is still available to watch on Amazon Prime. I highly recommend it.

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Yes. Thx!

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Hello Ms. Jill,

Psychopaths is a very interesting disorder. 🤔

Can't wait for more information.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by jill elizabeth

Thank you Jill.

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thank you:)

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