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Your words were honest and full of despair today. Despair not for yourself but for us and our blinders we're wearing.

If you'll allow a story that played out this morning.

Louisiana just passed Constitutional Cocealed Carry. But I find value in going one step further. I attended a Conceal Carry Renewal course today. The license to carry is important to me. The retired lawman instructor, disappointed in attendance because people are taking the easy route. So he had more time to teach us.

It was like listening to your podcast. He STRESSED FIGHT, FLIGHT and FREEZE in discussing the right to defend or not. He also mentioned all the fundamentals of proper gun handling are useless in a "situation". Your hours and hours of previous classes and range time go away, replaced with Instinctual weapon use.

Now, to a non shooter, ya say, Boring. But it applys to life in general.

The best prep is already in all of us. Just some folks have better instinct. And all the best words won't change a thing.


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