Jan 21Liked by jill elizabeth

Excellent talk Jill. Thank you.

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Jan 20Liked by jill elizabeth

I had to stop mid podcast to comment because my thinking is so stream of conscience lol so you may end up with this same observation. I don't believe that we (the masses) so much value the intellect (questionable), wealth (yes) or power (in their own minds) of the these Davos clowns so much as that we actually value acquiring the products they have provided to society which in the beginning made our lives so much easier but has transformed into collecting all the shiny stuff at all costs (our health, massive debt, freedom etc). Look who we prop up with all our hard earned money, these little tyrants, by being brain washed from practically childhood to consume, consume, consume far beyond what is needed for survival or contentedness, it's an addiction. Combine that with the collusion of big food and big pharma to provide an addictive sugar based food supply which causes most ailments for big pharma to treat you for until you expire. Next in line, step forward. We are addicts and the Davos clowns are our drug pushers. That, in my humble opinion, is why we won't or can't change, even when we see it. It would require a far greater level of sacrifice and restraint that the majority of people don't have the ability or desire to do. So society will continue to circle the drain. Those that can see it and try to warn others about it are silenced, called names and marginalized.

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I suppose that investing only in value….is what he values, eh? Definitely a missing link in our capitalistic system...values. With no moral compass it can become a cesspool of corruption and abuse. (several refreshing speeches at Davos though...(Roberts and Melei) people who obviously didn’t get the memo or else threw it in the trash.)

First day in months listening to the radio this morning. An interview with a man who is a catalyst for a huge change here in Texas. Without going into great detail here...I just found a different interview with him here on Substack (Christopher Rufo/Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower) A good model. It seems to me like the hospitals took full advantage during the ‘disaster’ of the last few years to infect hospitals with a little ideology. But I digress.

Change, Change Change...”Why do I keep creating the same situation?’ I can so relate to that question. Maybe that’s why so many people have covered Sam Cooke’s ‘A Change is Gonna Come.’ It’s almost in the spiritual category. When is enough and where is bottom? I guess i'll know it when I'm there... or die avoiding it. Argh! Gee, thanks Jill. ;(

Finally, thanks for the beesharing. I can see that in a harsh environment, the need for resources overrides normal avoidance behaviors...a change that has many implications for our future.

Self honesty is another that I’m rolling over. So many good questions to drill down into or with.

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Jan 19Liked by jill elizabeth

Jill I hope all is well and yes I agree, and value your experience those that live through this crisis cycle, hopefully God has granted them the wisdom and strength to carry on. Similar plan with a better attitude my two cents Ed

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Jan 19Liked by jill elizabeth

I have no value in these "Davos" parasites. They are more like the mites that live on the bees and produce nothing I value.

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Jan 19Liked by jill elizabeth

YEA!! She thinks I'm a miracle. 🤦‍♂️


I have NO idea how you can watch that smuggling video and then produce such a neutral, powerful comment like this.

You amaze me sometimes.

I have always said - "Money talks and bullshit walks."

I'm a simple, humble, grateful walker.


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I tried to comment, but you already said it all. You asked questions that are unanswerable, you made statements that are, for good or bad, true.

All I can add, please give the bees water.

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