Hello James,

As an older man, I don't hate you. Talking doesn't spread the "virus". It simply conveys ideals. While you have a right to an OPINION, so does the masses.

I am old, I am a man, etc, etc. I drive my car and my life. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Regards, also James

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Sep 3Liked by jill elizabeth

Your comment about the Ab-surgery reminded me of this video by the late Spetsnaz about male body image. You may find it interesting.


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Sep 3Liked by jill elizabeth

I always sympathized with women's liberation, which is what we called it before the term "Feminism" became popular. I supported the idea and accepted the reality of women being liberated from their traditional roles.

However, and this is somewhat of a big "however" to me, when I decided I would like to be similarly liberated from my traditional duties and obligations which I as a man found imposed upon me by society, I was attacked and insulted and condemned and hated by pretty much everybody.

Women got pushback, no doubt about it, but, I as a man got visceral hatred. Especially by older men.

The hatred was not so much for what I did and did not do, the hatred was because I would talk about it. Talking spreads the virus of thinking like a virus. Thinking causes questions to arise.

Questions are the beginning of the end for every established regime. That's why they control your speech.

In my world of thinking about ideas, there is no male nor female, no rich nor poor, no young nor old, no slave nor free, no Jew nor Gentile, no barbarians, no Scythians. There is only truth, which is my first love.

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